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MEGA KANGASKHAN´s FAKE OUT is all you need so ZAPDOS can set TAILWIND for the team, and thanks to its mega ability it will hit twice inflicting more damage and specially breaking through Focus Sash and Sturdy Pokémon. The speed boost grated by ZAPDOS is something MEGA KANGASKHAN badly needs, becoming a very dangerous treat to check in thanks to its powerful moves that hits twice, and for those trying to out speed or using priority moves there’s SUCKER PUNCH. ZAPDOS can take out anything that is setting or is a dangerous treat for it of its teammates with ROAR, while dealing crazy damage when using its z move with THUNDERBOLT. The LANDORUS/ZAPDOS combo is also amazing, as one can deal with ZAPDOS rock weakness and spam EARTHQUAKE without carrying on hitting your teammate, and thanks to Choice Band its moves becomes amazingly strong. At this point ice types are a pain when encountering that’s why HEATRAN is necessary in here, spamming its strong stab moves to whoever has the guts to battle you. Thanks to its ability it gains an immunity to fire types and it’s the best choice when predicting a fire move that can heavily damage AEISLASH. Also, AEGISLASH can protects its teammates with WIDE GUARD, being the best choice when predicting an earthquake that could heavily damage HEATRAN and itself. Thanks to AEGISLASH typing combination it is an amazing offensive choice capable of spamming SHADOW BALL and FLASH CANNON to anything. TAPU FINI sets the misty terrain to protect you from any status that could cripple your team, while boosting ZAPDOS’ special defense. Once it can set CALM MIND you are ready to tank hits like a champ a revenge kill anything with your stab MOONBLAST or MUDDY WATER, which will hit both opponents at once.

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